ينظم القانون الحالي بعض المنتجات الاستهلاكية التي تحتوي على الزئبق، مثل المصابيح الفلورية المدمجة والمصابيح الفلورية الخطية. تواريخ سريان الحظر المدرجة في القانون المقترح AB-2208 لهذه المصابيح الفلورية هي 1 كانون الثاني/يناير 2024 و1 كانون الثاني/يناير 2025، على التوالي.
كاليفورنيا AB-2208 مصابيح الفلورسنت: حظر البيع والتوزيع تم تقديمه في 22 فبراير 2022 وتم تعديله في الجمعية في 19 أبريل 2022. بموجب مشروع القانون هذا
يجب ألا يتم عرض مصباح فلورسنت مدمج للبيع النهائي كمنتج جديد مصنّع في 1 يناير 2024 أو بعد ذلك التاريخ
لا يجوز عرض مصباح فلورسنت خطي للبيع النهائي كمنتج جديد مصنّع في 1 يناير 2025 أو بعد ذلك التاريخ
المصابيح التالية مستثناة من هذا الحظر:
مصباح يستخدم لالتقاط الصور وإسقاطها
مصباح يحتوي على نسبة عالية من انبعاث الضوء فوق البنفسجي
مصباح يستخدم للتشخيص أو العلاج الطبي أو البيطري، أو يستخدم في جهاز طبي
مصباح يستخدم في تصنيع المنتجات الصيدلانية أو مراقبة الجودة
مصباح يستخدم للتحليل الطيفي والتطبيقات الضوئية
تتضمن بعض الأمثلة على النقطة 3 ما يلي:
التواريخ السارية للحظر المدرج لمصابيح الفلورسنت المدمجة ومصابيح الفلورسنت الخطية هي 1 يناير 2024 و1 يناير 2025 على التوالي.
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Washington State introduced a law which will accelerate the development of regulations for a variety of consumer products that contain perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
On 31 March 2022, Washington State’s Governor signed the bill (HB 1694, concerning logistical processes for the regulation of priority chemicals in consumer products) into law. This law will accelerate the state’s ability to develop regulations for a variety of consumer products containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
The new law requires the state of Washington’s Department of Ecology (DOE) to name PFAS-containing firefighting personal protective equipment as a “priority product”. The law also allows DOE to name any product identified in the 2021 PFAS chemical action plan (CAP) as a “priority product”. This includes non-stick cookware, personal care products, cleaning agents, water-repellent clothing and gear, automotive products, and waxes and sealants for floors, skis, and cars.
Moreover, the law gives the DOE the authority to address additional PFAS containing products as “priority products”. In the past, the DOE would add products to the “priority” list every five years. This law accelerates the five-year waiting period. The law is not a complete ban on the use of PFAS; instead, it requires the DOE to determine an initial set of regulatory actions for PFAS in CAP-identified products by 1 June 2024, and then adopt rules to implement the determinations by 1 December 2025.
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California has issued a second modification of text to revise its proposed rule on clear and reasonable warnings for California Proposition 65 (Prop 65) for Short Form Warnings. Public comments were collected starting 5 April 2022 until 20 April 2022.
On 5 April 2022, the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) issued a second 15-Day modification of text to proposed amendments to Prop 65 Article 6 – Clear and Reasonable Warnings – Short Form. The latest proposal removes the limitation on the use of short-form warnings for smaller products and retains the requirement to list a chemical for toxicity terminuses.
test. After reviewing the public comments of the first modification, the proposed regulatory text has been further modified by OEHHA and some of the proposed modifications are listed below:
The language “exposes you to” in subsections 25603(b) and 25607.2(b) is changed to “can expose you to”, which makes the language conform with the general content language in general consumer safe harbour warning (Section 25603).
The limitations of package shape and label size on the use of short-form warnings are removed in Section 25602(a)(4), which means that the short-form warning can be used on product labels of any size, regardless of the package shape and size.
The requirement in Section 25602(a)(4) is removed, which means that the requirement of having a minimum of 6-point type size when using short-form warnings in existing provision remains unchanged.
The date that the regulation becomes effective is modified to two years rather than one year after the effective date of the amendments in Subsections 25602(e) and 25607.2(c).
According to the latest notice of modification, public comments were to be collected until 20 April 2022. The amendments would become operative two years after the effective date of the amendments.
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On 26 April 2022, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) published a final rule for 16 CFR 1235 Safety Standard for Baby Changing Products, incorporated by reference to ASTM F2388-21. The effective date will be 31 July 2022.
On 1 February 2022, ASTM notified the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) that it had revised the voluntary standard for baby changing products, approving ASTM F2388-21 Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Baby Changing Products for Domestic Use on 15 November 2021. Based on the CPSC staff’s review of ASTM F2388-21, the Commission will allow the revised voluntary standard to become the mandatory standard because the revised requirements in the voluntary standard either improve the safety of baby changing products or are neutral with respect to safety.
ASTM F2388-21 includes two substantive changes and some non-substantive revisions.
Substantive Changes:
Two notes have been added to Figure 9 to provide the overall width and length dimensions for the tension tool used and a metric equivalent dimension has been added for one of the dimensions shown in the figure.
Section 9.5 which provides warning statements that must be addressed on product labels and which requires that the warnings align with the format and text requirements illustrated in the standard have been updated:
Section 9.5.1 “Fall Hazard,” at the beginning of the warning statement, in ASTM F2388-21, this hazard statement has been revised to be capitalized as “FALL HAZARD”
Section 9.5.3 “Suffocation Hazard” at the beginning of the warning statement, in ASTM F2388-21, this warning statement has also been revised to be capitalized as “SUFFOCATION HAZARD”
Non-Substantive Revisions:
Footnote 1 has been revised to include “baby changing products,” instead of “changing tables,”
Figure 11, which provides examples of left-aligned warning label text, has been renumbered as Figure X1.1 and relocated from section 9, Marking and Labeling, to section X1, Rationale.
Minor wording changes and grammatical corrections have been made, including:
changing “example warning labels” to “example warning statements” (section 9.4.7);
changing the warning label statement regarding fall hazards from “stay within arm’s reach” to “stay in arm’s reach of your child” (section 9.5.1);
correcting the title of updated Figure X1.1 from “Example of Left Aligned Text” to “Example of Left-aligned Text.”
Several figure names have been revised in section 9 Marking and Labeling and section 10 Instructional Literature.
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In the US, when hazards are identified in consumer products, they will be recalled and published in the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Recent Recalls on the CPSC website, which is updated daily. The US recalls from 01 April 2022 to 30 April 2022 are summarized below:
Hazards | Frequency |
Fall Hazard | 3 |
Injury Hazard | 2 |
Crushing Hazard | 1 |
Burn Hazard | 5 |
Skin Irritation Risk | 1 |
Health Risk Hazard | 1 |
Crash Hazard | 1 |
Choking Hazard | 3 |
Poisoning Hazard | 4 |
Fire Hazard | 4 |
Laceration Hazard | 1 |
Product Categories | Frequency |
Toys and Childcare Products | 4 |
Furniture | 3 |
Chemicals | 1 |
Sporting Goods / Equipment | 1 |
Tools and Hardware | 2 |
Home Electrical Appliances | 3 |
Bodycare / Cosmetics | 1 |
Pharmacy | 2 |
Food Contact Material | 1 |
Fabric / Textile / Garment / Home Textile | 1 |
Household Items | 1 |
Electrical Appliances | 1 |
For a complete list click here
In Canada, when hazards are identified in consumer products, they will be recalled and published in the Recalls and Safety Alerts Database on the Health Canada website, which is updated daily. The Canada recalls from 01 April 2022 to 30 April 2022 are summarized below:
Hazards | Frequency |
Microbiological Hazard | 19 |
Burn Hazard | 5 |
Injury Hazard | 3 |
Fall Hazard | 3 |
Health Risk Hazard | 3 |
Fire Hazard | 2 |
Risk of Allergy | 2 |
Other Hazards* | 5 |
*Other Hazards include Safety Risk Hazard, Entrapment Hazard, Laceration Hazard and Poisoning Hazard with a frequency of less than 2.
Product Categories | Frequency |
Food | 19 |
Fabric / Textile / Garment / Home Textile | 2 |
Electrical Appliances | 2 |
Toys and Childcare Products | 3 |
Home Electrical Appliances | 2 |
Bodycare / Cosmetics | 2 |
Other Categories* | 7 |
*Other Categories include Cannabis, Sporting Goods / Equipment, Tools and Hardware, Medical Devices, Food Contact Material, Pharmacy and Furniture with a frequency of less than 2.
For a complete list click here
The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) has published the new version of the nickel screening method which is a qualitative method for detecting the presence of nickel in articles. This standard is effective immediately.
In February 2022, the European Committee for Standardization (Comité Européen de Normalisation, CEN) published CEN/TR 12471:2022 - a new version of the nickel screening method which is a cost-effective qualitative method for detecting the presence of nickel in articles. Such method is a completely revised and restructured edition of CR 12471:2002 ‘Screening tests for nickel release from alloys and coatings in items that come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin.’
This screening test is based upon the use of dimethylglyoxime (by the formation of a red coloured metal complex with nickel ions) for detecting the presence of nickel in articles that are inserted into pierced parts of the human body and those that are intended to come into direct and prolonged contact with the skin.
This new version of the method has several important points:
States that the reference method for nickel release is EN 1811 (or EN 16128 for spectacle frames and sunglasses)
Emphasizes the test to verify the compliance of REACH Annex XVII Entry 27 is the quantitative test method EN 1811 (or the abrasion test EN 12472 followed by EN 1811)
Advises that a positive finding in this screening test may not be compliant with the respective nickel release limit falling under REACH Annex XVII Entry 27
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The United Kingdom (UK) has recently informed the World Trade Organization of the intention to revise its legislation on cosmetics and toy safety for Great Britain. It will be implemented in different phases, starting 15 October 2022.
On 13 April 2022, a notification letter (document no. 22-3025) under G/TBT/N/GBR/47 from the World Trade Organization (WTO) was introduced. It is the draft regulation about the intention of a revision to the Toys (Safety) Regulation 2011 (UK Statutory Instruments 2011 No. 1881) and the Cosmetic Regulation 1223/2009 which is applicable in Great Britain (GB) including England, Wales and Scotland. The final date for comments is 14 June 2022 and the proposed date of adoption is 15 June 2022.
This draft regulation restricts or prohibits the use of chemical substances in cosmetics and toy products. For cosmetic products, there is a permission of the use of salicylic acid for uses other than as a preservative, only in specific product types. Also, there is a prohibition on the use of deoxyarbutin and a set of chemicals classified as Carcinogenic, Mutagenic or Reprotoxic (CMR) under GB Classification, Labeling and Packaging (CLP) Regulations. Relative to updates for toy products, notable changes to chemical requirements are listed below. Such chemical requirement updates in GB will further align with those requirements in the European Union (EU) Toys Safety Directive 2009/48/EC:
The number of allergenic fragrances is expanded from 55 substances to 58 substances by adding atranol, chloroatranol and methyl heptane carbonate (Schedule 2, Part 3, Point 11). These allergenic fragrances are prohibited. However, if they are technically unavoidable under good manufacturing practice (GMP) and the acceptable concentration level of each fragrance is no more than 100 mg/kg is met, then their presence is allowed.
The migration of aluminum is strengthened by 2.5-fold for all three categories of toy materials (Schedule 2, Part 3, Point 13)
Aniline and formaldehyde are restricted in certain toys/toy materials (Schedule 2, Appendix C)
Two identified effective dates for toy products are highlighted:
15 December 2022 (specific to the migration of aluminum and the requirements of aniline and formaldehyde)
15 October 2022 (for stipulations other than those indicated above)
Excluding the stipulations for the three new allergenic fragrances, toys that are made available on the market prior to 15 October 2022, can be made available on the market until 15 December 2022.
Excluding the stipulations for aluminum, aniline and formaldehyde, toys that are made available on the market prior to 15 December 2022, can be made available on the market until 15 December 2023.
The proposed requirements of aluminum, aniline and formaldehyde are shown in the below tables.
Migration of Aluminum for toy materials (Schedule 2, Part 3, Point 13) | ||||
Regulation | Category I (Dry, brittle, powder like or pliable) | Category II (Liquid or sticky) | Category III (Scraped-off) | Effective Date |
Toys (Safety) Regulation 2011 | 5625 mg/kg | 1406 mg/kg | 70000 mg/kg | In force |
Draft Toys and Cosmetic Products (Restriction of Chemical Substances) Regulations 2022 | 2250 mg/kg | 560 mg/kg | 28130 mg/kg | 15 December 2022 |
Toys intended for children under 36 months or other toys intended to be placed in the mouth (Schedule 2, Appendix C) | ||
Chemical Substances | Requirement (Total content unless otherwise specified) | Effective Date |
Aniline | ≤ 30 mg/kg after reductive cleavage (textile and leather materials) ≤ 30 mg/kg after reductive cleavage (finger paints) ≤ 10 mg/kg free aniline (finger paints) | 15 December 2022 |
Formaldehyde | ≤ 1.5 mg/L (migration, polymeric) ≤ 0.1 ml/m³ (emission, resin-bonded wood) ≤ 30 mg/kg (textile, leather and paper materials) ≤ 10 mg/kg (water-based) |
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تم إطلاق متطلبات جديدة من اللوائح الفرنسية (المادة 17 من القانون الفرنسي بشأن مكافحة النفايات والاقتصاد الدائري (AGEC) والمرسوم رقم 2021-835 المؤرخ 29 يونيو 2021)، مما يجعل معلومات الفرز ورمز تريمان مطلوبًا على قطع الملابس من المنسوجات والكتان المنزلي والأحذية؛ ومن المقرر أن يصبح هذا المعيار إلزاميًا في السوق الفرنسية اعتبارًا من 1 فبراير 2023. هذه اللافتة الجديدة هي جزء من نشر القانون رقم 2020-105 الصادر في 10 فبراير 2020، المتعلق بمكافحة النفايات والاقتصاد الدائري. الرسوم البيانية والجداول: مكتبة الصور وبنك الصور والجداول والرسوم البيانية (refashion.fr)
وفقًا لمتطلبات اللوائح الفرنسية المادة 17 من القانون الفرنسي بشأن مكافحة النفايات والاقتصاد الدائري (AGEC) والمرسوم رقم 2021-835 المؤرخ 29 يونيو 2021، يجب عرض عنصرين:
رمز التريمان
معلومات الفرز: المعلومات التي تحدد طرق الفرز أو إيداع النفايات الناتجة عن المنتج. ويجب عرض هذه المعلومات على المنتج أو على عبوته أو في حالة عدم القيام بذلك، يجب أن تكون موجودة في مستندات أخرى مرفقة مع المنتج (مثل دليل الاستخدام، تعليمات الاستخدام)
مثال على الشعارات (للملابس)، تتكون من:
رمز تريمان
فئات المنتجات
بنك الإيداع الذاتي
رابط URL لخريطة أديمي
تخضع الحروف FR التي تحدد هذا التدبير للوائح الفرنسية
يمكن عرض شعارات الملابس والأقمشة المنزلية والأحذية بمفردها أو معًا ومع نقطة (نقاط) الإيداع الذاتي (رموز للحاوية والمخزن والجمعية).
يجب أن يكون رمز التريمان ومعلومات الفرز موجودة فعلياً عند شراء العميل للسلعة ويمكن عرضها على وسائط مختلفة:
على ملصق النسيج الذي يوضح تركيبة الألياف,
على الملصق المؤقت (مثل ملصق الورق المقوى أو علامة التعليق),
مطبوعة أو مطرزة على المنتج,
على العبوة التي يُباع فيها المنتج للزبائن (بطاقة الاسم، العلبة، الكيس، إلخ) أو
على شكل ملصق.
ملاحظات مهمة حول التنفيذ:
نهاية الفترة الانتقالية: 1 شباط/فبراير 2023
نهاية فترة بيع المخزون من المنتجات: 1 أغسطس 2023
لدى أصحاب المصلحة مهلة حتى 1 فبراير 2023 لوضع المعلومات على المنتجات وحتى 1 أغسطس 2023 لضمان امتثال المخزونات الموجودة مسبقًا (المنتجات المصنعة أو المستوردة قبل 1 فبراير 2023) أيضًا.
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In Europe, when hazards are identified in Non-food Consumer Products, the Products will be recalled and published in the Safety Gate system, which is updated weekly. The European recalls from 01 April 2022 to 30 April 2022 are summarized below:
Hazards | Frequency |
Damage to Hearing | 4 |
Injury Hazard | 18 |
Chemical Hazard | 79 |
Electric Shock Hazard | 19 |
Choking Hazard | 12 |
Burn Hazard | 9 |
Fire Hazard | 8 |
Health Risk Hazard | 7 |
Microbiological Hazard | 7 |
Other Hazards* | 5 |
*Other Hazards include Suffocation Hazard, Drowning Hazard and Strangulation Hazard with a frequency of less than 4.
Product Categories | Frequency |
Toys and Childcare Products | 31 |
Jewelry | 30 |
Bodycare / Cosmetics | 17 |
Machinery | 3 |
Electrical Appliances | 12 |
Home Electrical Appliances | 5 |
Fabric / Textile / Garment / Home Textile | 5 |
Chemicals | 19 |
Protective Equipment | 13 |
Other Categories* | 9 |
*Other Categories include Household Items, Accessories, Sporting Goods / Equipment, Computer / Audio / Video / Other Electronics & Accessories, Outdoor Living Items, Stationery, Tools and Hardware and Machinery with a frequency of less than 3.
Notifying Country | Frequency |
Bulgaria | 7 |
Germany | 37 |
Finland | 5 |
Hungary | 9 |
Romania | 13 |
Poland | 17 |
Lithuania | 8 |
Ireland | 15 |
France | 6 |
Belgium | 7 |
Croatia | 5 |
Other Countries* | 15 |
*Other Countries include Norway, Slovakia, Austria, Czechia, Luxembourg, Italy and Latvia with a frequency of less than 5.
For a complete list click here
In China, when hazards are identified in consumer products, they will be recalled and published in the SAMR Defective Product Administrative Centre, which is updated daily. The China recalls from 01 April 2022 to 30 April 2022 are summarized below:
Hazards | Frequency |
Health Risk Hazard | 13 |
Chemical Hazard | 6 |
Safety Risk Hazard | 9 |
Skin Irritation Risk | 4 |
Burn Hazard | 11 |
Electric Shock Hazard | 12 |
Fall Hazard | 3 |
Swallowing Risk | 3 |
Suffocation Hazard | 4 |
Fire Hazard | 10 |
Other Hazards* | 8 |
*Other Hazards include Poisoning Hazard, Entanglement Hazard, Damage to Sight, Injury Hazard, Entrapment Hazard and Cut Hazard with a frequency of less than 3.
Product Categories | Frequency |
Protective Equipment | 6 |
Bodycare / Cosmetics | 2 |
Home Electrical Appliances | 5 |
Food Contact Material | 14 |
Furniture | 3 |
Fabric / Textile / Garment / Home Textile | 7 |
Stationery | 2 |
Toys and Childcare Products | 2 |
Electrical Appliances | 6 |
Sporting Goods / Equipment | 4 |
Household Items | 2 |
Other Categories* | 3 |
*Other Categories include Construction Products, Chemicals and Footwear with a frequency of less than 2.
Provinces | Frequency |
Anhui | 15 |
Jiangsu | 6 |
Guangdong | 1 |
Hubei | 6 |
Beijing | 4 |
Guangxi | 2 |
Shanxi | 8 |
Shandong | 8 |
Jiangxi | 1 |
Yunnan | 1 |
Hunan | 4 |
For a complete list click here
في أستراليا، عندما يتم تحديد المخاطر في المنتجات الاستهلاكية في أستراليا، يتم استدعاؤها ونشرها في قاعدة بيانات الاستدعاءات وتنبيهات السلامة على الموقع الإلكتروني للجنة المنافسة والمستهلك الأسترالية، والتي يتم تحديثها يوميًا. فيما يلي ملخص لعمليات الاستدعاء في أستراليا من 01 أبريل 2022 إلى 30 أبريل 2022:
المخاطر | التردد |
خطر الإصابة | 15 |
المخاطر الميكروبيولوجية | 4 |
خطر الحريق | 5 |
خطر الإصابة بالحساسية | 4 |
خطر الاختناق | 2 |
خطر الحرق | 2 |
خطر التسمم | 2 |
مخاطر المخاطر الصحية | 2 |
مخاطر أخرى* | 3 |
*أخطار أخرى تشمل خطر الاختناق وخطر الغرق وخطر تهيج الجلد بتكرار أقل من 2.
فئات المنتجات | التردد |
الأدوات والأجهزة | 2 |
الأثاث | 1 |
الطعام | 10 |
الأجهزة الكهربائية | 6 |
الألعاب ومنتجات رعاية الأطفال | 1 |
السلع الرياضية / المعدات الرياضية | 4 |
الإكسسوارات | 2 |
مكونات السيارة | 1 |
للاطلاع على القائمة الكاملة اضغط هنا
اشترك في نشرتنا حول تحديثات القوانين واللوائح
قم بإلغاء الاشتراك في أي وقت. اقرأ سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بنا.